April 12, 2012


The Relation.
To relate yourself, your life to some one else. This "some one" may be a
living or a non living thing.

From the birth, we are related to so many things. They are our relatives, our
toys, our friends, our teachers, our life partner.

The relatives, the mother and the father. Everybody knows the greatness of this

I lvoe my toys when I was a cute kid. It is all about my happy life. My toys
always do what I say. They live where I kept. It is a relationship which make
me a happy boy. It is an unforgattable relation with nonliving things.

I grew up, I have friends. I was happy with them when they do what I want and
become uncomfortable when I am imparted to do what they want.They started to show
me the reality of real life. It is a dilamatic relation with living beings.I can not
understand upon whom I have to put trust for betterment of future.

I grew up, I married. The life partner, a relation, that change our life. It restricts us to perform
such behaviour which normally we had with our other relatees. Also it allows us to
perform such behaviour which normally we had not with our other relatees.
It is a responsible relationship which directs rest of my life.

How I am related to you? Would you like to tell? Yes, then tell. No, then tell to someone related to you.


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