May 21, 2011

Truth of Life - 2

I can sleep peacefully in night. Because I am not passing thorugh a panic situation which makes mental disturbances.Or the enviornment I am surrounded by is not creating so much storms to disturb my mind. This is what I call "A Satisfaction". This is measured as undefined measures! It varies persons to persons and even for a single person perviewing different situation with time span. What I am saying is, suppose you own a new bike and you are satisfied. After say 2 years, you will be unsatisfied as you don't have car. Why you need car? Because almost all your freinds have one.

So,What exactly is satisfaction? It is temporiry "object" which help us sleep well.

But, one can grow if has unsatisfaction with current life settings. His defination to make him satisfy will streach him to work for the goals set.

At the end of life, what you need? A satisfied life..... No, you need "50 kg of logs" to fire out your dead body or a 6 feet space to get in.

i am leaving now, as not satisfied with what is written!!


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