April 26, 2011

A Change

Why we need a job change?
It is because, we come to know what we are doing is not sufficient to prove ourselves against the management for which we are working. It is because, we may prove ourselves against the management for which we are working and we believe what we are being paid is not sufficient. It is because, "change is the ultimate rule of world". Even nonliving things also got changed. So we are forced by a law of universe.

Why we do not change the family, then?
Because we are bound by our untold society rules. We are taught to "not think" to change our relatives. Because we taught, "parents are before that unknown GOD"(looking for the hassles of being alive in the environment and the protection and security provided by them, it is true also). It is because, family is the purpose for why you born. Unknowingly we born to get transfer our jeans to the next generation. For that we need to prove ourselves as one of the best choice(Darwin:"Fittest will survive").
So, we do think to change all that things which help us to prove as "the fittest" among which we can fastly transfers our jeans.

Keep changing the world around you!

1 comment:

  1. My point of view for change is that they are trying to achieve comfort for itself (any living things). Non living things are always dependable on comfort of living things.

    People would like to change any thing (Job, family or its own body, it does not matter) if things are not comfortable and unbearable for them. And it’s always superimposed by GOD gifted sense of living thing and their own like and dislike.

    May god give all of us good sense to identify at least our selves.
