May 19, 2010

Vadodara The first impression

I have recently got transferred(in April 1st Week) to Vadodara, The business hub of south gujarat. The major business here is not focussed on any one industrial segment. You will find each kind of industry and business here.

The second thing, I have noticed is so many trees surrounding. People here still used to have at least a tree in their house. Average temperature of heat during summer is down by 3- 4 degrees compared to Ahmedabad.

The city is happening most of the time but silently. There is no extra noise bombarded on your ears.

Geographically vadodara is located on slope of "Pavagadh" on the way to River Mahi and Vishvamitri.
River Mahi is known as "Mahi Sagar"(Mahi Sea) also.

The city is growing now a days on the peak. The real estate prices are about to reach the peak of last 10 years. The people are using most recent technology with CIVILIZED sense.

In all, it is a good place on earth, if you want to LEAVE!

I would like to introduce you with Vadodara by means of some photographs next time.


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