December 30, 2012

Thing in my mind.

A gorgeous girl is with me. We are sitting on a bench in front of a river. Sweet songs of birds pour honey in my ears. A rising sun is looking like a lamp of life. Mild air is blowing. A little bit of cold is experienced. Somewhere far in the river a ship is sailing. The big banyan tree is nearby. And that girl told me “Wow!!!  Daddy it is a great start of perfect picnic...”

Yes it is. I dream to be on a picnic with family this winter. Such “wow” moments definitely feels up all of us to enjoy hurdles of life more happily. I elaborate picnic as ‘Pick to be Nice’. It recharges you from routine. Taking diversion from routine definitely waken up eagerness of one to explore new things. It helps you to introduce your inner capabilities by picking up your nice quality. The result is nice personality is available to family, friends and colleagues.

Spare time to share joy to your near ones and also to inspire your ‘professional relatives’. 

Enjoy a nice weekend......

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