December 3, 2011

Winter And Festivals!


Winter has come. It may be due to global Warming or any other reason, but I am feeling cold early in the morning only. I don't want to save money by not purchasing new Sweaters, if it is at cost of our earth's echo system. Since last month I have started to avoid plastic bags as much as possible while shopping.

Our CM Shri Narendra Modi had come to Baroda to inaugurate "Sports Festival - Khel Mahakumbh, 2011" hosted by Vadodara. Considering this, we have again a big self energatic season has come. Khel Mahakumbh followed by Christmas followed by Makar Sakranti and "Vibrant Gujarat - 2012". This time it could be a RED CARPET for Chinese Dragons as recently Shri NaMo has visited China for mutual business development meet.(I might be wrong as I came to know on this news by newspapers only!!!)

Oh, Sorry!!! 
I intened to write on winter and unwillingly diverted somewhere else.

Really a good word "sorry". It gives us unwritten right to make mistakes.!!!


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